All Books of Humayun Ahmed.
Who is Humayun Ahmed?
Humayun Ahmed(Born 13 November 1948 –Death 19 July 2012) was a Bangladeshi writer, dramatist, screenwriter, and filmmaker. His breakthrough was his debut novel Nondito Noroke published in 1972. He wrote over 200 fiction and non-fiction books, all of which were bestsellers in Bangladesh. Ahmed's writing style is characterized as magical realism .His books were the top sellers at the Ekushey Book Fair during the 1990s and 2000s. He won the Bangla Academy Award and the Ekushey Padak award for his contribution to Bengali literature. In the early 1990s, Ahmed emerged as a filmmaker. He went on to make a total of eight films - each based on his own novels. He received six Bangladesh National Film Awards in different categories for the films Daruchini Dwip , Aguner Poroshmoni and
Ghetuputra Komola . Early life and background.Ahmed was born in Kutubpur, Mymensingh to Foyzur Rahman Ahmed (1921–1971) and Ayesha Foyez (née Khatun) (1930–2014). Foyzur served as a sub-divisional police officer in Pirojpur District and was killed in 1971 during the Bangladesh Liberation War .In 2011, politician Delwar Hossain Sayeedi was put on trial for the killing but was acquitted of the charge in 2013 due to a lack of evidence. Humayun's brother, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal , is a writer and academician. Another brother, Ahsan Habib, became a cartoonist. He had three sisters – Sufia Haider, Momtaz Shahid and Rukhsana Ahmed. During his childhood, Ahmed lived in Sylhet ,
Comilla , Chittagong , Bogra ,Dinajpur and Panchagarh where his father was on official assignment. Education and early career
Ahmed studied in Chittagong Collegiate School .He eventually passed his
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination from Bogra Zilla School in 1967 and was listed as second in merit by the Rajshahi Education Board. He passed his Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) examination from Dhaka College in 1969.Ahmed then attended the University of Dhaka and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and later with a Master of Science degree. He then worked as a lecturer at the Bangladesh Agricultural University for six months following which he joined Dhaka College to teach Chemistry. Soon after, he went to the United States to earn his Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry from North Dakota State University .
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এই লিংকটিতে যা যা রয়েছেঃ
রূপা, বুড়ি, একটি নীল বোতাম, পিঁপড়া, উনিশ শ’ একাত্তর, কুকুর, একজন সুখী মানুষ, জুয়া, জীবন যাপন, সে, খেলা, কল্যাণীয়াসু, নিমধ্যমা, শিকার, অসুখ, খাদক, ফেরা, তুচ্ছ, দ্বিতীয় জন, সাদা গাড়ি, অসময়, পাখির পালক, বেবি রুথ, চোখ, একজন ক্রীতদাস, অপরাহ্ন, জ্বিন-কফিল, কবি, রহস্য, বীনার অসুখ, অয়োময়, সঙ্গিনী, অঙ্ক শ্লোক, বান, শঙ্খমালা, নিউটনের ভুল সূত্র, মন্ত্রীর হেলিকপ্টার, ভয়, অচিন বৃক্ষ, নিশিকাব্য, কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, ছায়াসঙ্গী, জলিল সাহেবের পিটিশন, শবযাত্রা#১, আনন্দ বেদনার কাব্য, অপেক্ষা, শীত, ওইজা বোর্ড, শ্যামল ছায়া, বেয়ারিং চিঠি, ভালোবাসার গল্প, সৌরভ, জলছবি, নন্দিনী, সুখ-অসুখ, গোপন কথা, ফজলুল করিম সাহেবের ত্রাণকার্য, সুলেখার বাবা, যন্ত্র, মিরখাইয়ের অটোগ্রাফ, রুঁরুঁর গল্প, মোবারক হোসেনের মহাবিপদ, একটি ভয়ঙ্কর অভিযানের গল্প, ভূত মন্ত্র, পানি রহস্য, গুণীন, আয়না, কুদ্দুসের একদিন, ভাইরাস, নিজাম সাহেবের ভূত, লিপি, মৃত্যুগন্ধ, সম্পর্ক শবযাত্রা#২, নেড়িকুকুর এবং আজহারউদ্দিন মন্ডল, প্রেসক্রিপশন, অন্তরার বাবা, অঁহক, পরশের ‘হইলদা’ বড়ি, জাদুকর, পিশাচ, সালাম সাহেবের পাপ, বিভ্রম।
All Books Of Humayun Ahmed:
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কিছু কিছু লিংক আপডেট চলছে....
Who is Humayun Ahmed?
Humayun Ahmed(Born 13 November 1948 –Death 19 July 2012) was a Bangladeshi writer, dramatist, screenwriter, and filmmaker. His breakthrough was his debut novel Nondito Noroke published in 1972. He wrote over 200 fiction and non-fiction books, all of which were bestsellers in Bangladesh. Ahmed's writing style is characterized as magical realism .His books were the top sellers at the Ekushey Book Fair during the 1990s and 2000s. He won the Bangla Academy Award and the Ekushey Padak award for his contribution to Bengali literature. In the early 1990s, Ahmed emerged as a filmmaker. He went on to make a total of eight films - each based on his own novels. He received six Bangladesh National Film Awards in different categories for the films Daruchini Dwip , Aguner Poroshmoni and
Ghetuputra Komola . Early life and background.Ahmed was born in Kutubpur, Mymensingh to Foyzur Rahman Ahmed (1921–1971) and Ayesha Foyez (née Khatun) (1930–2014). Foyzur served as a sub-divisional police officer in Pirojpur District and was killed in 1971 during the Bangladesh Liberation War .In 2011, politician Delwar Hossain Sayeedi was put on trial for the killing but was acquitted of the charge in 2013 due to a lack of evidence. Humayun's brother, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal , is a writer and academician. Another brother, Ahsan Habib, became a cartoonist. He had three sisters – Sufia Haider, Momtaz Shahid and Rukhsana Ahmed. During his childhood, Ahmed lived in Sylhet ,
Comilla , Chittagong , Bogra ,Dinajpur and Panchagarh where his father was on official assignment. Education and early career
Ahmed studied in Chittagong Collegiate School .He eventually passed his
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination from Bogra Zilla School in 1967 and was listed as second in merit by the Rajshahi Education Board. He passed his Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) examination from Dhaka College in 1969.Ahmed then attended the University of Dhaka and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and later with a Master of Science degree. He then worked as a lecturer at the Bangladesh Agricultural University for six months following which he joined Dhaka College to teach Chemistry. Soon after, he went to the United States to earn his Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry from North Dakota State University .
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এখানে প্রায় সব বই'ই থেকে নেয়া।
Others Book:
এই লিংকটিতে যা যা রয়েছেঃ
রূপা, বুড়ি, একটি নীল বোতাম, পিঁপড়া, উনিশ শ’ একাত্তর, কুকুর, একজন সুখী মানুষ, জুয়া, জীবন যাপন, সে, খেলা, কল্যাণীয়াসু, নিমধ্যমা, শিকার, অসুখ, খাদক, ফেরা, তুচ্ছ, দ্বিতীয় জন, সাদা গাড়ি, অসময়, পাখির পালক, বেবি রুথ, চোখ, একজন ক্রীতদাস, অপরাহ্ন, জ্বিন-কফিল, কবি, রহস্য, বীনার অসুখ, অয়োময়, সঙ্গিনী, অঙ্ক শ্লোক, বান, শঙ্খমালা, নিউটনের ভুল সূত্র, মন্ত্রীর হেলিকপ্টার, ভয়, অচিন বৃক্ষ, নিশিকাব্য, কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, ছায়াসঙ্গী, জলিল সাহেবের পিটিশন, শবযাত্রা#১, আনন্দ বেদনার কাব্য, অপেক্ষা, শীত, ওইজা বোর্ড, শ্যামল ছায়া, বেয়ারিং চিঠি, ভালোবাসার গল্প, সৌরভ, জলছবি, নন্দিনী, সুখ-অসুখ, গোপন কথা, ফজলুল করিম সাহেবের ত্রাণকার্য, সুলেখার বাবা, যন্ত্র, মিরখাইয়ের অটোগ্রাফ, রুঁরুঁর গল্প, মোবারক হোসেনের মহাবিপদ, একটি ভয়ঙ্কর অভিযানের গল্প, ভূত মন্ত্র, পানি রহস্য, গুণীন, আয়না, কুদ্দুসের একদিন, ভাইরাস, নিজাম সাহেবের ভূত, লিপি, মৃত্যুগন্ধ, সম্পর্ক শবযাত্রা#২, নেড়িকুকুর এবং আজহারউদ্দিন মন্ডল, প্রেসক্রিপশন, অন্তরার বাবা, অঁহক, পরশের ‘হইলদা’ বড়ি, জাদুকর, পিশাচ, সালাম সাহেবের পাপ, বিভ্রম।
→Click Here To Download All(84books in one)
All Books Of Humayun Ahmed:
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কিছু কিছু লিংক আপডেট চলছে....
- 1971.pdf
- Andhokarer Gaan.pdf
- Aaj Aami Kothao Jabona.pdf
- Aaj Dupurey Tomar Nimontron .pdf
- Aaj Himur Biye .pdf
- Achinpur
- Adbhut Sob Golpo. pdf
- Ahok .pdf
- Akash Jora Megh .pdf
- Amar Ache Jol.pdf
- Amar Chelebela
- Amar Priyo Voutic Golpo
- Ami Abong Koakti Projapoti
- Ami Ebong Amra .pdf
- Ami-ee Misir Ali .pdf
- Andhokarer Gaan.pdf
- Angul Kata Jaglu .pdf
- Anonto Nakhotro Bithi .pdf
- Anyodin.pdf
- Aporahnyo.pdf
- Ashabori.pdf
- Asmanira Tin Bon
- Ayna Ghor .pdf
- Ayomoy
- Badol Diner Ditiyo Kadam Ful.pdf
- Badhshah Namdar .pdf
- Baghbondi Misir Ali .pdf
- Ballpoint.pdf
- Basor.pdf
- Bhoy.pdf
- Bipod.pdf
- Bohubrihi.pdf
- Botol Vut
- Brihonnola.pdf
- Brishti Bilash .pdf
- Bristi O Meghomala
- Chander Aloy Koekjon Jubok .pdf
- Chayabithi.pdf
- Cheleta.pdf
- Chokkhe Amar Trishna.pdf
- Chole Jay Bosonter Din .pdf
- Choto golpo
- Daruchinir Dip .pdf
- Debi.pdf
- Dekha Na Dekha
- Dighir Jole Kaar Chayago .pdf
- Ditiyo Manob .pdf
- Doiroth
- Dorjar Opashe .pdf
- Dui Duari .pdf
- Deyal
- Ebong Hemu .pdf
- Ekattorer Chithi.pdf
- Ei Ami
- Ei Megh Roudro Chaya
- Ei Shubro Ei! .pdf
- Eki Kando! .pdf
- Ekjon Himu Koekti Jhin Jhin Poka .pdf
- Ekjon Otimanobi. pdf
- Ekjon mayaboti
- Elebele.pdf /[Part 2]
- Ema
- Epitaph
- Fiiha Somikoron.pdf
- Fountainpen
- Gouripur Jongshon
- Grihotyagi Josna
- Hartan Ishkapon .pdf
- Himu.pdf
- Himu Mama .pdf
- Himu Remand-E .pdf
- Himur Ditiyo Prohor .pdf
- Himur Ekanto Sakkhatkar .pdf
- Himur Hate Koekti Nilpodmo .pdf
- Himur Madhyadupur
- Himur Rupali Ratri .pdf
- Holud Himu Kalo Rab .pdf
- Hotel Graver Inn
- Humayun Ahmed-er Premer Golpo .pdf
- Ireena.pdf
- Ishtishon
- Jalil Shaheber Petition .pdf
- Jibonkrishno Memorial High School
- Jochna O Jononir Golpo
- Jodiyo Sandhya .pdf
- Jol Jochona
- Jolpoddmo
- Kalo JAdukor .pdf
- Kathpencil
- Ke Kotha Koy .pdf
- Kichu Shoishob .pdf
- Kichukkhan.pdf
- Kobi
- Kohen Kobi Kalidas
- Kothao Keu Nei
- KrishnoPokkho.pdf
- Kuhak.pdf
- Kutu Mia .pdf
- Lilaboti
- Lilua Batash .pdf
- Maddhanya.pdf
- Magic Munshi .pdf
- Manobi.pdf
- Matal Haowa
- Megh Boleche Jabo Jabo
- Megher Chaya .pdf
- Mirar Gramer Bari
- Misir Ali Series
- Misir Ali Aapnii Kothay .pdf
- Misir Alir Amimangsito Rahasya .pdf
- Misir Alir Choshma .pdf
- Misir Ali Unsolved.pdf
- BaghBondi Misir Ali.pdf
- Amie Misir Ali.pdf
- ↓[Click Here To Download All Part of Misir Ali#Part 1#]↓ ,
- ↓[Click Here To Download All Part of Misir Ali#Part 2#]↓
- ↓[Click Here To Download All Part of Misir Ali#Part 3#]↓
- Mojar Bhoot.pdf
- Moyurakkhi.pdf
- Moyurakkhir Tire Prothom Himu .pdf
- Mrinmoyee. pdf
- Mrinmoyir Mon Bhalo Nei
- Na Hanyate by Maitreyi Devi.PDF
- Nalini Babu BSc
- Nandito Noroke (নন্দিত নরকে). pdf
- Nee(নী).pdf
- Neel Hati
- Neel Manush .pdf
- Neel Oporajita .pdf
- Neel Poddo
- Nirbachito Bhooter Golpo
- Nirbason.pdf
- Nishad. pdf
- Nishithini.pdf
- Noboni
- Nokkhotrer Raa
- Nondito Noroke
- Omanush.pdf
- Omega Point.pdf
- Onish.pdf
- Onno Vubon .pdf
- Opekkha
- Paap
- Pakhi Amar Ekla Pakhi .pdf
- Parapar.pdf
- Parul O Tinti Kukur
- Pilkhana Hottakando
- Poka
- Priotomeshu
- Pufi
- Putro Nishad
- Putul
- Raboner Deshe. pdf
- Rakkhoss Khokkhoss Ebong Bhokkhoss
- Rodonbhora E Boshonto .pdf
- Rupali Dip.pdf
- Rupa
- Rupar Palanko .pdf
- Sajghor.pdf
- Sanaullar Mohabipod .pdf
- Se Ashe Dhire .pdf
- Se O Nortoki
- Sedin Choitramas .pdf
- Sheet O Onnanno Golpo
- Shonkhonil Karagar
- Shunya.pdf
- Shuvro.pdf
- Shuvro Gechhe Bone .pdf
- Shyamol Chaya .pdf
- Sobai Gechhe Bone .pdf
- Sokol Kata Dhonno Kore
- Sourov.pdf
- Tara Tin Jon .pdf
- Tetul Bone Jochna .pdf
- The Exorcis .pdf
- Tithir Neel Toale .pdf
- Tomader Ei Nogore.pdf
- Tomader Jonyo Bhalobasa
- Tomake. pdf
- Tondrabilas.pdf
- Tumi Amai Dekechile Chutir Nimontrone
- Uralpankhi
- Uthon Periye Dui Paa
- Nabiji (incomplete) .pdf by
Update চলছে দৈনিক................................
কোন লিংক অকেজো হয়ে গেলে অথবা আপনার পছন্দের কোন বই বাদদ পরে গেলে আমাদের জানান মন্তব্যের ঘরে।
All Ebooks By Humayun Ahmed[184+ Books in 1 Post] All books in his life
Reviewed by তৌহিদ আজগর - Tawhid Azgor
১১:৫১ AM
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ami himo er sob boi er pdf ak satahe khujtecilam ,amn link ki dawa jai
উত্তরমুছুনThe water mark is to highlighted for spoil reading.
উত্তরমুছুনHumayun Ahmed is my favorite novel writer.
উত্তরমুছুনজনপ্রিয় সব বইগুলো রিভিউ দেখতে এখনই ভিজিট করুন।